Riverflow Acupuncture
in Brighton and Hove
Rebecca Bond
I provide a classical style of Acupuncture that is only taught in very few colleges worldwide. This is combined with a variety of other Acupuncture styles to obtain the best outcome for patients. Other treatments provided included Cupping, Gua Sha and Moxibustion.
My areas of expertise include:
Pain management - back, knee and shoulder pain as well as plantar fasciitis.
Allergies, eczema, hives.
Sinusitis and congestion
Hormone imbalances, perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.
Fertility issues.
Digestive issues, IBS, bloating, constipation.
Stress and anxiety.
Sleep problems and low energy.
Types of Treatments
Book Acupuncture in Brighton and Hove
1 hr 30 min
75 British pounds1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr 30 min
88 British pounds1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr
60 British pounds
What types of issues does Acupuncture treat?We specialise in: - Aches and pain and musculoskeletal problems such as tendonitis and bursitis, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, knee problems and migraines. - Sleep problems. - Digestive issues such as heartburn, bloating, constipation, IBS - Stress and anxiety. - Menstrual and hormonal issues such as PCOS, endometriosis, heavy or irregular periods, menopausal symptoms. - Allergies and sinusitis. - Recovery from surgery or illness.
How do I prepare for my Acupuncture treatment?Before your acupuncture session there are several things you should bear in mind: · Many commonly used acupuncture points are located on the lower arms and legs, so it is helpful to wear clothing that allows easy access to these areas so that you do not have to change. · Try not to go for treatment on an empty stomach (this may cause you to feel light headed) or straight after a heavy meal. · Do let your practitioner know if you are completely new to acupuncture so they can take extra time to explain what happens and ensure you are comfortable with the process. · If you take medications please bring a list of these.
What happens at my first Acupuncture visit?This initial session is longer than a follow up acupuncture session (up to 90 minutes vs 1 hour for a follow up) as we will take a complete medical history and ask lots of questions about your sleep, digestion, diet, stress levels, aches and pains, hormones etc. We will palpate various areas of the body to include your abdomen, legs and arms. We will spend some time taking your pulse and look at your tongue. These are all important diagnostic tools from a Chinese Medicine point of view and help to provide us with a holistic view of your health. For example, we look at the size and shape, colour of the tongue, whether it is swollen or thin, the absence or presence of a coating. If present, the colour and thickness of the coating is indicative of different conditions affecting the body. In addition to this, different segments of the tongue relate to different organs of the body.
How many Acupuncture sessions will I need?The amount of treatments needed varies from person to person but I recommend an initial commitment of 6 weekly sessions to start with. At each session, we will review your progress and you can expect that as your symptoms improve, the frequency of treatments will decrease. However, many conditions have taken time to develop so it goes hand in hand that healing will also take some time and it is impacted by other factors such as your lifestyle, diet and stress levels as well as how long you have had your condition. As part of your treatment plan, you will be recommended some diet and lifestyle modifications as well as some stress management techniques tailored to your needs to manage your health and issues.
After Acupuncture what should I do?To get the best out of your treatment, we recommend that you do not plan anything too strenuous or stressful so that your body can continue to be in the rest and digest mode and make the changes it needs to. Rest as much as you can and avoid vigorous exercise if possible. If you are exercising, only exercise moderately. Similar to after a massage, it is helpful to drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol as it can lower your tolerance. Also avoid greasy, heavy, and processed foods after your treatment.
What is Acupuncture?Acupuncture is an ancient traditional Chinese therapy where thin stainless steel needles are inserted into specific points in the body. It can be used for acute or chronic issues and works on your physical symptoms as well as your emotions. It aims to tackle the root cause of your issues and not just treat your symptoms. Acupuncture is part of Chinese Medicine and it includes some other therapies too such as Moxibustion (a type of heat therapy), Gua Sha (scraping the skin with a blunt tool), Cupping and as well as diet and lifestyle advice. For those patients scared of needles we have some non needle techniques that we can use.
How can acupuncture help me?Acupuncture has been proven to be effective in improving a wide range conditions and maintaining overall wellbeing. It is a deeply relaxing treatment that aims to tackle the root of the problem rather than just dealing with the management of symptoms. The goal of treatment is to restore the imbalances within the body so that you can feel vibrant and energetic. Studies show that it is used to treat a wide range of common health problems and to reduce pain. NICE guidelines (2009) recommend a course of 10 treatments of acupuncture for persistent, non-specific low back pain. In September 2012, NICE recognised acupuncture’s benefits for migraines and tension type headaches. Acupuncture accelerates the body’s self-healing by inducing a cascade of biophysical signals to enable healing to occur and balance the body’s internal environment. It stimulates our internal resources that we may not be using efficiently. Studies show that the insertion of acupuncture needles: · triggers the release of natural anti-inflammatories and natural pain-killers such as endorphins to relieve pain and aches. · increases blood flow and the circulation of lymph for the immune system, digestion and muscles. · stimulates the endocrine system and balances hormone levels to smooth emotions, improve sleep and mood. It also helps with fertility and menopausal symptoms. · works on the Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal axis. · affects the sympathetic (our fight or flight response / stress) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous systems thereby altering pain signals and inducing relaxation. · plus it is involved in less well understood effects such as bioelectrical activity.
Why should I try Acupuncture?Often patients come for acupuncture as they have tried several other therapies with limited improvement and we are their last resort. However, many once they have received some treatments, wish they had come much sooner. Many patients report that they have increased energy, better quality sleep, better moods and just feel like themselves again while we are dealing with their main issue. Win win!
Is Acupuncture safe?Acupuncture is generally very safe. Serious side effects are very rare – less than one per 10,000 treatments. I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and with over 3 years of training and I am required to do regular continuing professional development which I love.
Does Acupuncture have side effects?Most patients feel very relaxed after their treatment and on occasions some may feel temporarily spaced out. On rare occasions, a minor bruise can occur at the acupuncture point following treatment but this disappears within a few days. When booking your appointment online, you will be provided with all the information you need to know to consent to treatment.
Does it hurt?Acupuncture needles are very different from hypodermic needles used for injections or blood sampling; they are twenty times smaller and generally painless. Some needles are only inserted for a few seconds while others can be left for up to 40 minutes. When needles are inserted, you may feel a quick pinch or the sensation of pressure without any lingering sensations. And with many points you might not feel anything at all. Most people feel really relaxed and even fall asleep in the sessions.
Brighton and Hove, UK
Contact Me
Chris R.
I suffered from chronic pain after having an injury while surfing. It was so bad that I couldn´t surf anymore. Surfing is my passion so this depressed me to no end.
Rebecca used a combination of treatments during an 11-session therapy that not only helped me get rid of the pain for good but also helped me overcome the anxiety I had developed. She is amazing!!!!
Sara D.
I saw Rebecca regularly for 2/3 years for acupuncture to help manage my ME symptoms. I found my sessions with Rebecca highly effective in helping me improve my overall well-being.
Right from the start Rebecca always put me at ease and, as I became more familiar with the treatment plan she developed for me, Rebecca was always happy to explain things in more detail which I appreciated and found very reassuring.
I would highly recommend Rebecca without hesitation to anyone seeking an acupuncturist.
Holly C.
Amazing experience!
Despite my initial misgivings about needles, I felt comfortable and at ease.
My treatments were very successful in relieving my pain and relaxing me. I will be returning soon.